Analisis Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama Grice pada Komik Pepekomik sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Teks Anekdot di Kelas X
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the types of violations of the principle of cooperation in the Pepekomik comic strip. Comic strips are an interesting medium to explain because they often use humor as a tool to entertain readers. Through a pragmatic approach, this research describes the types of violations of the principle of cooperation in the Pepekomik comic strip which includes the maxims of quality, quantity, relevance and manner. The analysis method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. The research results show that the Pepekomik comic strip often violates the principle of cooperation in its speech with the aim of creating interesting and entertaining stories for readers. These violations occur in the form of deviations from the maxims of cooperative principles, such as providing inappropriate, insufficient, excessive, irrelevant or ambiguous information. This research contributes to the understanding of how the principle of cooperation is applied and applied in visual communication, especially in comic strips, as well as providing recommendations for using the Pepekomik comic strip as learning material for anecdotal texts in grade 12.
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