About the Journal

 Journal of Development Research


Journal of Development Research is an international journal, published by the Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar. The journal facilitates the publication of research results in the field of human and international development for three sections, including engineering and technology, mathematics and natural science, and also education and social science. This journal is published in two versions, printed and electronic in May and November.


This journal focuses on research publications on engineering and technology, education and social science, and mathematics and natural science. 

The scope of the Research in Development includes the study of human development in terms of education, economy, health, social services and gender, as well as studies of sustainable international development in terms of engineering, computer science and technology.


Copyright Notice

Copyright Holder is  Journal of Development Research

Base new article's copyright year on (Default year will be drawn from the issue's publication date.)

Prior Agreement is Required by authors to agree to the Copyright Notice in the submission process.

License URL: CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)


Open Acces Statement

This Journal is Open Access. All of full texts in published article can be read and downloaded by readers in free charge and without register,`


Review Policy

JDR article submission through electronic processes via e-mail or via a web editorial board of OJS. The article comes in and is performed by having a peer review or manuscript check through online also by experts. Examination of the manuscript was done by Double Blind Review.

Selected articles are approved by at least two people, editing experts. Then the selected journals must be conducted by the editor in editing process. This editing is also including plagiarism checking process. After this process, the entire draft articles are given to the chairman of the editor to do the approval of the issuance. After accepted,it is followed by the finalization of the layout by the executive editor. Articles contained in the journal are ready to be published. Administrations archive published journals and makes notification to the author.

In the process of  plagiarism checking, if  it is found articles  indicated commit plagiarism, then the article is rejected for publication. Then the team reports to the expert editor and chief editor.  the editors of experts will be given back a large selection of other articles that have entered for the examination and re-election.  the chief editors do cancellation  notice for further indicated articles of plagiarism.

Internet-based plagiarism checking through google apps and DOI by CrossRef.


Review Guidelines

For reviewers who carry out their duties, forbidden to correct grammar. Reviewers in working just  look substantion of the contents of the article. and provide recommendations accepted or rejected article and leave a revision of the articles concerned.


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively and will not be used for other purposes outside of this journal.



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Author Guidelines

Chek http://journal.unublitar.ac.id/jdr/index.php/jdr/authorguidelines